Artist Statement

Rozheen Talebpour was born in Scarborough, Ontario in 1994 and currently resides in Toronto. Her work explores issues of religion, sexuality, gender, popular culture, idolatry, horror fiction, and alternate realities. She works predominantly in film and analog photography, as well as creating small shorts and movies. Her pieces are often focused on dream state and strange versions of reality. Her medium is centered around a sense of unease and tension, coupled with bright and positive works. In her work she seeks to open the minds of her audience and push the boundaries of comfort. She enjoys creating a sense of unease and fear, the same way she enjoys invoking happiness and bright colours, it depends on her mood. 

Her love of photography has lead to a passion for medium and large format analog film, and her more recent works are using this format to explore the physical and mental boundaries of film. Medium and large format allows her to push the limits of framing a photograph; warping and altering regular positions and angles to create different perspectives of reality for her audience. She hopes to continue to explore all the mediums and developing techniques of photography to further her skillset and advance herself in the field.

Her more recent work, "θεών μεταξύ των ανδρών" translation: Gods Among Us, uses medium and large format to create haunting and beautiful portraits by harnessing the power of tilted and forced perspectives. Greek mythology has always been fascinating and intriguing for Rozheen, even growing up as a small child. This series explores the names of gods and mythological figures/places/creatures in relation with her day-to-day life.

Using Format